Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Good Listenin' and Readin'

Sol Lederman's latest inspiring interview is with Tim Chartier, newly out with his slim, but rich, book, "Math Bytes" (also famous for his basketball "bracketology" research):


As usual, Sol covers a lot of interesting ground here, and we learn a lot about Dr. Chartier.

And another new book, "Infinitesimal," by Amir Alexander is reviewed in NY Times and sounds good. A lot of folks who take calculus somewhere along the way, don't ever learn about the checkered history of it, and the original controversy surrounding the concept of an "infinitesimal." So read up:


It's going to be another fertile year for popular math books!

If you're in a hurry for more good and varied readin' then the 109th Carnival of Mathematics is newly-posted and just a click away:


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